Wednesday, November 29, 2006

Oh my soul!

The title of this blog brings us to a famous line by a little man named Josiah. Allow me to explain...I was in the kitchen one afternoon while both Josiah and Amelia were in their bedroom, playing with toys, looking through books, just enjoying some quality brother-sister time, or something along those lines =). They had been in there quite some time, without any altercations, sibling squabbles or tears and then I heard Josiah's voice, "OH MY SOUL!" On the one hand, I wanted to smile at yet another example of Josiah's emulation of his dad. But on the other hand, something could be seriously wrong for him to begin using such expletives. Since Josiah said the words, I knew that he must be okay, but that meant something was wrong with Amelia. I rushed into their bedroom, which is adjacent to the kitchen and discovered two little toddlers sitting amidst piles of books. When a accessed that all appendages were still intact and that there was no blood, I surveyed the tiny tots to try to determine why my two year old son had said "OH MY SOUL." I looked down at the book that little Amelia had in her lap and found out what she did that caused her brother to react so strongly...she had torn a page of the book in half! Yes, both children were safe and sound and they had been playing together quite well, but tearing pages in books is a first degree offense around here, okay, well maybe second degree, but she received her punishment for it and now when I hear Josiah say, "OH MY SOUL!," I know that nobody is about to lose a leg or an arm, but that he is indeed startled by whatever he has just witnessed. =)

A few other things that he has said that I took note of to include in the next blog once our blog was back up and working occurred during the hours before bedtime. One was when Josiah was talking to his dad about something quite important of course, and he prefaced one of his sentences addressing his father as "Pastor Dad." =) And yet another happened when Josiah was supposed to be tucked away in bed and enjoying pleasant dreams about airplanes and trucks. William and I were in our bedroom, William working on the computer and I was finishing up some homework when we saw our door begin to open. Once the door was open, we saw a tall two year old wearing footie pajamas, holding his pillow and his immediate response was, "Uhh, Daddy, I couldn't go to sleep, uhhh, because there's ahhh snake in my room." Of course there was no snake in his room, but we both thought it was a pretty good excuse. =)

As for little Amelia, she is now beginning to say some words, but mostly Chinese words. She understands both when given a command in Chinese or English, but most of her words are in Chinese or parts of a Chinese word. For example, 'thank you' in Chinese is 'xie xie' (pronounced something like shay shay) and Amelia says 'xie.' She can say 'baba (daddy in Chinese), mama, papa (which is what Josiah calls his Papa Maricle) and ge (big brother in Chinese). She is certainly a hoot, as is her brother and we do have so much fun together, all four of us!

Before I sign out, I wanted to include one more story that I was saving up for the next time that I could blog. Amelia is past this stage in her toddlerhood, but when she was just learning to put her toys away, it made for some fun hide and go seek time. You see, William taught Amelia that when she is finished with her toys or when Mommy says that it is time to put away toys, Amelia needs to put the toys in their appropriate and designated place in their bedroom. Well, I think most of the toys did find their way into their appropriate home, but I did find one of her rattles in my utensil draw in the kitchen and the ultimate toy place, one of their blocks ended up in the toilet. Yes, that is nice and tidy little Amelia for you. =)