Thursday, March 29, 2007

The National Air Museum of China (July '06)

Dad and Josiah spent a wonderful, muggy afternoon exploring Josiah's love--airplanes. It was a surprisingly large museum including a huge underground hanger carved into a hill and crammed with every type of airplane. Outside there were even more. Josiah got to climb on some of the equipment. To make the day perfect, we came across a firetruck and a bull-dozer. It was certainly an all-boy type of day. He wore himself (and his father) out running from aircaft to aircraft and twirling aroung on the anti-aircraft guns. We returned home hot, dirty, sweaty, and exhausted. If you're wondering whether or not he was thrilled, just watch the video.

Can you find Josiah?

Attempting preschool (July '06)

We decided to let our son attend preschool a few days a week to improve his Chinese. It lasted three times before we finally decided to postpone the start to his scholastic career for another year.

Monday, March 26, 2007

July 27, 2006 Preaching to his cars

August 25, 2006 Amelia's first steps

Amelia's new sound

Amelia's newest helmet

Bouncing boy

Emerging from the closest