Thursday, September 07, 2006

March 7, 2006

I’m beginning something today that I would like to keep up, so please pray for diligence and discipline on my behalf. =) I would like to post a daily little tidbit about our two little children and perhaps a bit about their parents and some pictures here and there. I am afraid that I have not been so diligent about updating you on Josiah and Amelia and I know that I have not been sending enough pictures, so please forgive me, but by His grace, I will be faithful in this task.=) We sure do love you all SO very much and are SO very grateful for such wonderful friends and family!

William was READY to get outside and enjoy the wonderful weather we have been experiencing, so he surprised us in the morning with the news that we would be journeying to McDonalds for lunch!!! And then to the park afterwards. Josiah understands McDonalds and certainly understands park, so he was very excited as well! We enjoyed our meal and then headed to the park and Josiah couldn’t have been happier! William and Josiah gathered some of the ice still in the lake at the park and threw it back in and almost gave me a heart attack several times because Daddy feels that when Josiah is next to the edge of the lake, Josiah can hold his own and doesn’t need to be held onto and if he falls in, we go in after him and then Josiah will have a greater appreciation and desire to be safer the next time. Okay, so mommies and daddies think differently =). But our little man had a blast making great splashes and didn’t fall in! We found a nice spot for William and me (with sleeping Amelia) to sit for a bit and Josiah headed off with his little dump truck, stick and squirt bottle. And where there is Josiah, there is dirt, dirt, dirt!! He had a wonderful time making mud and then wearing it =). The last time we were at the park, Josiah found a “pet lion” that he has named “One” and he brought it home with us. That was last week, but still everyday, he talks and plays with his imaginary pet lion. “One” eats meals with us and Josiah will pretend like he is petting it and says that it is soft =) He has other imaginary animals as well, but his pet lion “walks” with him and does most everything with him =).

And as for the little princess, she is a very mobile little thing now and rolls over instantly now when on her tummy. She is awake a lot now and I so wish for those days filled with naps because she is definitely dependent upon seeing people’s faces and needs entertainment almost the entire time she is awake. But that is when it is wonderful to have a very fun little two year old! She just loves her brother! He can make her laugh like no one else can =) And then when she gets going, he starts laughing hysterically and they keep each other going for a good bit =)! It is fun indeed!

Please keep praying for William’s neck/back. He is doing better, but still not 100%. He is a trooper!

We love you and are praying for you!


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