Thursday, September 07, 2006

March 8, 2006

As I type this, Josiah has his dump truck loaded with the majority of his books and is headed out to the balcony. The picture I have included with this tidbit is of Josiah on our balcony. His room also has a balcony as well, but tends to be cooler since it does not get any sun. And since he has a perfect view from our balcony of the middle school across the street, he likes to watch the kids over there doing their morning exercises and playing boom boom ball (Josiah’s lingo for basketball). So, at this moment, he and his dump truck have safely made it to the balcony, along with all those books, and he is using the ledge as a piano and singing his heart out. Wait, now he is climbing on the bars out there. A man of many skills and MUCH energy =). And while our two-year old is going about his business, our little Amelia is on her tummy in her crib, staring very intently at her toys. She holds her head up very well now and is a pro at rolling over when on her tummy. She has been doing well with sleeping through the night lately. Her last meal is around 9 or 9:30 and she wakes up around 4:50 to 5 AM. She tried to convince me this morning at 2:20 that she needed to eat some more, but the quiet, darkness around her, quickly convinced her otherwise and she was back asleep in no time. So, other than getting up between 1 and 2 in the morning to take Josiah to the restroom, we are almost getting a full nights’ rest! This was the first morning that we woke up without Josiah in bed with us. He had made it a habit of coming in sometime in the middle of the night and curling up with us. William would usually end up fighting with Josiah’s wiggly feet and I would get to “share” my pillow with the little man, sleeping on the smallest corner of the pillow =). But I love it because I know that he won’t always want to curl up with us =).

Yesterday I was vacuuming the area rug in Josiah’s room and after I had turned off the vacuum cleaner, I heard Amelia crying. I headed towards our room, where she was in her crib. When I left her, she was playing with some toys and usually the sound of the vacuum cleaner keeps her from crying. But as I was headed towards our room, Josiah walked out, took a deep sigh and said, “Fine, Mommy, Fine.” I guess he thought that his sister just needed to have some time to cry. And sure enough, when I looked into her crib she did indeed seem unhappy. But knowing that she had a clean diaper, a full tummy, I turned her over on her tummy and she didn’t protest long before she was out. Our little man has become quite the mom these days. Even at two, he thinks he knows how to run this place =).

Well, he is still on the balcony, going between climbing, pushing his empty truck around and “reading” the books out there. And little Amelia is fast asleep. Aaaa, time for me to get some rest, well, after I hang up some laundry, get lunch ready, mop the floors, hang up the load that is washing now…okay, maybe I’ll rest tonight =)! But honestly how wonderful it is to serve my family!!!


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