Thursday, September 07, 2006

March 9, 2006

Just before we started to eat breakfast this morning, I asked Josiah to pray for our meal. He bowed his head, folded his hands, closed his eyes and began praying for the garbage truck, his airplanes, his blocks and he closed with mentioning the word “food” and then a hearty “AMEN.” The garbage truck that comes around this area is the most prayed for garbage truck in all the world =). Speaking of garbage trucks, allow me to explain the system here quickly. We have garbage bins outside, much like the ones you have at home that you put out by the street once a week. All we have to do is take our garbage downstairs and put it in the recycle bin or the “waste” bin. The truck that comes by is for the restaurants. It plays a melody as it is going along, “Santa Claus is Coming to Town” (of course?) or the song from Titantic, to notify the restaurants that it is approaching. Restaurant workers will then head out to the street with their pals of garbage and proceed to throw it away when the truck stops for them. So, not only can the restaurant workers here that the garbage truck is coming, but so can your little grandson. His face just lights up when he hears it coming and he heads straight to the window =). But when you pray for something so faithfully, of course you long to see it! And since it makes its rounds at 9ish and 3ish, Josiah gets to see his beloved garbage truck often, unless he’s napping during its 3 o’clock round =).

Also at breakfast this morning, Josiah was talking about his lion. I asked him where it was and he pointed towards his room and said that it was going “Nite nite.” And then he promptly told me, “No, sumb (thumb)!” I replied by praising the lion for not sucking its thumb and Josiah said “pankin’” and made the motion to spank. I agreed with him that if his lion sucked its thumb, it should get a spanking and he said “Daddy lion pankin’” So the message is getting through =)!

Josiah is our entertainer in the morning and all through the day, but last night was Amelia’s turn. Josiah was fast asleep and we were hoping to get to join him as soon as 10 PM approached. We played with Amelia a bit, looked through some pictures and videos of when Josiah was Amelia’s age and reminisced a bit =), and got ready for bed. We put Amelia down, turned out the lights and waited for unhappy cries from our little missy. But to our surprise and wonderful delight, she started babbling and then blowing bubbles with her drool. We chuckled a bit and then pulled out the camera and without turning on any lights, just videoed the dark room with our little girl’s sounds filling the room. We’ll be sure to get that video clip to you!

Well, we need to get ready to head to the grocery store and load up on groceries since we have people coming over for dinner tonight, tomorrow night, Sunday late afternoon, Monday evening and maybe Tuesday evening! Yes, rest will come in Heaven! =) Please do continue to pray for William. The school has arranged a room with a bed for him to go to during the two hour lunch break and he said that that rest yesterday really helped his neck. He can only go for so long before he needs to rest his neck, but he certainly is a trooper. He still played with Josiah last night and just doesn’t complain! Just like my dad, who we are all praying for…and I thank you for that!!!


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