Thursday, September 07, 2006

March 10, 2006

I was reminded this morning of something Josiah has been doing for a bit now. He simply loves music and seems to really have an interest in the violin. He will pick up a stick or something straight and act like it is his bow. And then proceed to sing the melody that his is “playing.” Well, one time after he finished singing, he put out his hand and said, “money.” All the street performers here in Beijing have a little Maricle man to compete with now. And of course since when he does ask us for money we laugh about it and marvel at how cute he is, it only encourages him to continue, so he must have a fortune of imaginary money stored somewhere =).

We are all doing well. I just moved Amelia’s crib into Josiah’s room (now the kids’ room) today, so we will see how the new sleeping arrangements go. William does seem to be doing better, but he is being smart about taking care of his neck and giving it rest when opportunity presents itself. Besides longing to be with you all, we are wonderfully blessed and so well taken care of! Sorry today’s is so short, but company is coming over tonight, so off I am =).


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