Thursday, September 07, 2006

March 12, 2006

It is my understanding that both Santa Rosa and Roseburg have been experiencing some rather cold, unusual weather the past couple days. I do hope that you are managing to stay somewhat warm! Beijing, too, has been hit with rather cold weather. Just last week I was beginning to think about packing away the winter clothes and then it snowed yesterday and it was EXTREMELY windy today! So, perhaps in July we can give our long johns a rest =).

Well, as we were headed out the door this morning on our way to our Sunday meeting, Josiah bent down and picked up his lion. We headed into the elevator, arrived on the first floor, headed out the door and walked out the gate. Once we reached the gate, William took Josiah’s hand and we began to cross the four lane street in front of our apartment. In the process of holding hands, fighting the wind and crossing the street, apparently Josiah dropped his lion. So the scene continues with Josiah crying for his lion…"Lion fall!!! Lion fall!!!”, trying to let go of William’s hand to go get his lion, all while cars are rapidly approaching. Being the strong man that Daddy is, he managed to keep Josiah’s hand in his hand and quickly lifted him off the ground and finished the run across the street. We made it across and assessed the damage to “One,” and found that he was still alive. And then came the talk that obedience will keep him alive and next time he better not fight in a situation like that, or any situation for that matter! Needless to say, we all made it to the meeting safely and even managed to make it back home, all of us, including his dear lion =)!


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