Thursday, September 07, 2006

August 21, 2006

It has been a couple of days since the last tidbit about the little ones, and I apologize, but I am glad that we have been able to talk with you and know that all is going well. We have been praying for each one of you and of course, we miss you!!

Amelia is starting to be quite vocal these days. She is making lots of noise and is starting to recognize some of the things we say now. For example, before we eat, we’ll say, “Amelia, we’re praying,” and she’ll put her hands together. Anything for food =)! And she gives us kisses when we ask for them now and waves bye bye and is just overall cute.

As for the little man, his story comes from the night William was teaching Josiah to memorize Ephesians 6:1. “Children, obey your parents in the Lord, for this is right.” Well, as you have heard, well, most of you have, he has it memorized now, but he struggled and struggled to get over what he had in his mind…”Children, obey your wife in the Lord.” =) Is he smart or what? =)

We love you love you love you!!! And although we are trying not too, we can’t help but count down the days until we get to see you in December!


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