Thursday, September 07, 2006

March 14, 2006

What a beautiful day we enjoyed today and how refreshing it was to be at our son’s second home, the park (which he pronounces “parch”), enjoying the sun and dirt =)! Which brings me to today’s story…after we got home this evening, needless to say, Josiah needed a bath. When I asked him if he wanted bubbles, he replied with, “Momma, no bubbles…no water.” He knows now that shortly after a bath comes bedtime and the day was still too young for him to retire. But for someone who didn’t even want to take a bath, he certainly was very wrinkly from playing in his bathtub for so long! =)

And while your little man was getting squeaky clean, your little princess took her bath and the love for water most certainly runs in the family. She just talks and talks and splashes and moves all around while getting her little body cleaned off. She was especially giggly in the bath this evening and to hear her laugh and see that beautiful smile makes everything okay! What wonderful children He has blessed us with!


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