Thursday, September 07, 2006

August 16, 2006

The four of us are doing well and enjoying each moment that we get with William being home with us…we know those days are numbered!!

As for our four new additions in the tooth department, they have all broken through the gums and I must say that Amelia is looking more and more like a rabbit with those two new front teeth =). She is really starting to play a great deal on her own now. She used to need one of us there with her to make her toys interesting to her, but within the last couple of days, she has really been playing well on her own for a good chunk of time, too. Usually her bath time is rather quick, just bath and maybe play around with a toy or two for a little bit, but that’s it. But last night she played all by herself for a good twenty minutes, we were keeping an eye on her of course! And of course, she still loves to eat! She is very serious when there is food around that she likes. She does seem to be pickier than Josiah but that may be because of her geographic tongue. I have read up on it and what I have read says that it does affect one’s taste buds. So, if I stay on top of her vitamins, the geographic part of her tongue is not so severe. For the most part, she is a happy little girl that is beginning to be curious about things and winning us over with that smile of hers!

As for our little man, I had just finished dressing him when he told me, “I have a problem, Mom.” He was reaching for his back side and so when I went to assess the problem, I found that he had a wedgie =). That was his problem. Isn’t he too cute!

Well, I have the story for tomorrow’s tidbit all ready to type out and it’s a cute one! Until then...


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