Thursday, September 07, 2006

March 17, 2006

Today’s story is a bit icky, but I think it’s pretty cute. =) Josiah and I had been awake for a good bit this morning when I heard a little noise, not a cry, just an Amelia noise from the kids’ room. So I headed in there and there was little missy with her head up just looking around. She woke up so happy and has stayed that way for a good bit. Well, when I picked her up, I thought I smelled a poopy diaper, but was amazed that she was still smiling. So, Josiah got a diaper for me and we prepare ourselves for the worst. Well, we could not have prepared ourselves for the massive amount of poopoo in that little girl’s diaper! I made one comment and Josiah copied me exactly…”that is a ton of poo!” And that was followed by our simultaneous squeal! All the while, Amelia just looking up at us wondering what the big commotion was about =).

It’s so fun at this stage in Josiah’s life because he just has so much personality! Well, we are off to go get ready because we need to head down to the little market and get our vegetables for dinner tonight and tomorrow night. And we need to enjoy this nice weather while we have it!!


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