Thursday, September 07, 2006

August 12, 2006

There are four new teeth joining the family…two in Josiah’s mouth and two in Amelia’s! Josiah has two bottom molars coming in and Amelia’s two front teeth are making their appearance. Perhaps that explains some of their recent fussiness and the onset of their colds. At any rate, the two little Maricles are growing up…sniff sniff =)!

Since Josiah talks so much these days, it is so hard to remember all the cute little things he says. But not only are they cute phrases and cute sentences, he has a Josiah way of saying things that are just so cute and make me wish I could record each and every moment (except the spanking moments) with a video camera. The thing he said today that stands out in my mind occurred while I was cutting his fingernails and toenails. I had just finished cutting his fingernails and had moved onto trimming his little toenails when I told him that he has cute toes. He corrected me with, “No, Mommy, I have beautiful toes.” So, there you have, from the mom of a child with beautiful toes =)!

PS-The picture is of Josiah and Amelia on the train on our way back to Beijing. I did not stage the pose. Josiah put his arm around his little sister while they admired the countryside together. =)


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