Thursday, September 07, 2006

March 16, 2006

Well, with both of the men in the family needing haircuts, the plan was to meet Daddy for lunch at his school and then head into Shahe (where we lived last year and have a lady that cuts both William and Josiah’s hair well). So, the kiddos and I got on a bus and had a very enjoyable ride to Shahe. We were able to visit a little with some of William’s students once we arrived and then had a very yummy meal. All the while Josiah keeps telling us that he will be happy during his haircut and “no cry.” We said that we would have some ice cream when the whole ordeal was over and that made our little man even happier. Well…we got to the place, and he started by saying “no hair tut.” And so we quickly put him on William’s lap in the chair and that is when happiness went out the door!!! The pictures will explain the rest =). The lady that cuts their hair is truly wonderful because she just keeps talking to Josiah while she is speedily cutting his hair and I mean speedily! And now that William has been going to her for a long while, she knows what he wants and we don’t have to worry about what he will look like after the haircut. And that is a major concern with all the weird haircuts the Chinese are sporting these days! But mission accomplished and I can no longer put William or Josiah’s hair into a ponytail =). She did tell me that Amelia needs her hair cut, well, shaved, if we want her to have “good” hair. The Chinese shave their babies’ head in order to have thicker hair. But most of them seem to only have coarse hair, so, whatever floats their boat. But I told her that we would not be cutting Amelia’s hair for a bit and she asked me if we were going to let her hair grow long like mine and when I told her that we were, she said little kids should not have long hair. So, just some more advise from the Chinese pros! Speaking of which, after we said good bye to William (of course after ice cream), we got on a bus headed back home and there were two older ladies that felt that I needed to do this or that with Josiah and Amelia. “The kids were too hot, but the window behind Josiah needs to be shut, watch Amelia’s legs,” and so on. So I finally just told them that we are okay and I know what to do. They smiled and carried on their talk about foreigners doing things “wrong” or different from them. The funny part is that I probably have as many kids as they have between the two of them, and I only have two! What WILL it be like if He blesses us with more?!!! =)


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