Thursday, September 07, 2006

August 25, 2006

Well, William has started back to school as of today and oh how we are going to miss having Daddy with us all day!!! It was a fast, but wonderful summer!

Little Princess stood all by herself today for a good amount of time. Nobody was holding onto her and she wasn’t leaning on anything, just standing there. So that first step should be just around the corner =), but I know, in due time. She is still sweet and oh so beautiful and she seems to have a very cute sense of humor. She likes to wrinkle her nose, shine a smile that goes from ear to ear and breath in and out loudly through her nose and it just tickles William and me =). But then again, most everything she does seems to tickle us.

Speaking of being tickled, Josiah certainly is a pro at making us laugh as well =). Let’s see, which story shall I tell this time…well, we are still battling the thumb sucking and although that doesn’t tickle us, yesterday he made me smile after I had tried a strategy to stop the thumb sucking. William and I both still swat his hand when we see him sucking his thumb, but he must love pain because he still sucks his thumb!! So, I decided that I would wrap his thumb with first aid bandage wrap and then put a Sesame Street band aid on it. The Sesame Street band aid was his idea =). So, he let me wrap it all up and seemed to be proud of his big thumb. But then came nap time and he realized that sucking his thumb with a band aid on it didn’t give him the same satisfaction. So, that is when I thought I had won the battle…but, I walked back in his room and he was sucking the OTHER thumb!!!!!! After I swatted that hand (his left hand), he told me he needed a band aid on his left thumb as well =). So, there you have it. He knows he is addicted and cannot do anything about it! So, no band aids today because it was just wasting band aids because he would still suck on the bandaged thumb and once a band aid gets wet, well, it comes straight off, much to Josiah’s delight =)! So, back to inflicting pain to teach that dear child the lesson, much to our chagrin!


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