Thursday, September 07, 2006

August 31, 2006

Little Missy is trying to touch the keyboard as I write this post. She is trying with every appendage she has, arms, legs, hands, you name it. She just wants to write to the ladies in her life =). She and I had a wonderful afternoon together after she woke up from her nap. Josiah slept for another hour and a half after Amelia woke up, so we just played and she talked and drooled and talked and drooled and we had a grand ol’ time!

The cute story I want to share about Josiah happened a couple mornings ago. William was already at work by the time Josiah woke up so he asked me where Daddy was. I told him that Daddy was teaching and Josiah said, “Teaching? Like Papa teaching people to go at Jesus?” Even though he tends to get his prepositions a little confused, I understood exactly what he meant. =) He is a little preacher man often as well. He’ll stand before his group of people, sing some songs, pray and then he tells them to go at Jesus =). Soon Amelia will be singing specials in his church =).


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