Thursday, September 07, 2006

August 26, 2006

The little ones are sound asleep in their beds right now, following a very full, yet wonderful Sunday. =) Josiah was exceptionally good today and how easy it is to love and love and want to play with him when he is so obedient and so enjoyable! I pray for many more days like today!! As for Amelia, no first step yet, but she is certainly liking this standing up on her own thing =)! She and Josiah played so very well together today after we returned home from our Sunday meeting. Josiah likes to build “houses” with pillows and anything else he can find that will substitute as a barrier from his little sister and he just loves watching her try to get in. William played with them both this evening and tried to teach both of them the art of knocking on the other one’s “house.” So, hopefully they have mastered that good habit =).

Well, off to bed for us because it is a full “weekend” for us tomorrow and Tuesday. Love you SO MUCH!!!


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