Saturday, September 09, 2006

His little sayings...

I know most of my posts are about the little man, but I must reassure you now that we indeed do love Amelia and yes, she is oh so very cute. But our active two and a half year old just has more things about which I can write about, at least for now. Amelia is walking a great deal now. She still does prefer to crawl when going from one end of the house to another, but she loves standing and trying to present a commanding presence. She is absolutely as cute as a button and still has that ear-to-ear smile that she shines so regularly. She officially has five teeth now, with one another one on top almost poking through and two more on the bottom that are not too far behind. She loves to make us laugh and seems to have such a cute, silly personality, just like her big brother =).

As for Josiah, I wanted to jot down a few things he says that just tickle our hearts:

On occasion, Josiah will want to go into a door, but the door is closed. He knows he cannot just enter it without knocking. He also knows that what he wants to hear after knocking is "Come in." So, while he is knocking on the door, we get to hear him give himself permission by calling out "Come in! Come in!"

Today, just after he had nudged Amelia, okay, well, it wasn't quite a hit, but it wasn't as soft as a nudge either, I asked him why he had done it. His response, "Because I'm a funny guy."

While Josiah was taking a bath tonight, he did something that made us laugh and William told him that he was a silly guy. Josiah said, "You're Maricle man!" =)

Sometimes when Amelia is bothering him or is touching something she shouldn't be touching, I will hear Josiah say, "Mia Maricle!!"

We are still trying to break him of his thumb-sucking habit, and sometimes I will go in and lay with him when it is time for bedtime. Well, he wants to suck his thumb, but he knows that if he does it in front of me, he will get in trouble, so he will say, "Mom, please close eyes."

I suppose he hears us telling him and Amelia often that we think they are cute, so in return, oft times he will say, "Mom, you're cute."

Sometimes he'll march up to his dad with an imaginary sword in his hand and growl, "Dad, I'm a man with a sword, and you're a bear." And then he will proceed to attack his father.

There are so many more, so I'll spread the wealth over a few days =).


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