Friday, September 08, 2006

Our little scholar attempts school

Josiah has just been plain ol' cute these past few days. He talks so much and has great stories and tells his stories which such emotion and wonderful expressions. With him being so tall and with how well he can communicate, I have to remind myself often that he is only two. The picture is of Josiah (can you tell which one he is? =)) at the preschool he attended three times. It was only three times because they said that he was too young and that we should come back when he turns three. Basically, he cried too much =). Most of the kids are three and older, so we'll try next year. The preschool setting we had in mind was an environment in which Josiah could go to twice a week for a couple of hours so that he could be completely surrounded by fluent Chinese speakers. Our Chinese isn't quite to that level, yet =). We imagined him playing with the other kids most of the time and perhaps a little bit of classroom time, for coloring or learning a few words. Well, the only playtime it turns out they have is right after they eat lunch around 11:30, when I would come to pick him up. We know this because William hung around for the few hours one day, just to see what went on and yes, Josiah cried a great deal and yes, they stayed in the classroom those entire few hours. So, all that to say that we will wait a bit and reevaluate our ideas and strategies for Josiah and Amelia learning Chinese.

About how cute Josiah has been the past few days, well, he is always cute, okay, most of the time =), I will jot down a few of his little sayings that are just cute and warm my heart, but that will be for tomorrow... =0) We love you all so very much!!


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