Thursday, September 07, 2006

September 1, 2006

Wow!! So hard to believe that Dad and Amelia’s birthday month is already upon us! A big month for both Dad and Amelia…Dad will turn 50 and Amelia will be one year old!! =)

Since we have company coming over tonight and I need to get dinner going, I will jump immediately into today’s little story. We headed to William’s school today to eat lunch together and then we were going to head over to the barber so both William and Josiah could get their hair cut. So, while Josiah, Amelia and I were riding on the bus, we came to the bus stop we normally get off to catch another bus that takes us to church. So, Josiah is very familiar with that stop. As we were approaching it, he said, “It’s our stop, Mommy.” And I explained that we were getting off at the next stop because we were going to meet Daddy today and that we would head to church another day. When the bus did finally stop at the one we usually get off, Josiah noticed all the people getting off at that stop and asked me, “Those people going to church, Mommy?” I told him that I wish they were. It is so very exciting to see that church and the Lord seem to consume a lot of his mind, in addition to street sweepers, garbage trucks, police cars and so on, but since church and the Lord are such an integral part of our lives, our little two year old has already picked up on it…I pray it only consumes him more and more with each year!!


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