Wednesday, October 04, 2006

Things well said

With the many long bus journies we take to get to wherever it is that we are going, William has found that story telling is a wonderful way to keep Josiah occupied and quite honestly, entranced. He loves to listen to his daddy's stories about rabbits and eagles and a dog named Charlie and every story has a character building theme with it.

This past Sunday morning, as we were on our one and a half hour trip to church, William told Josiah about Jesus dying on the cross for us. He went into detail about Jesus being spit upon, about Him receiving 39 lashes, and about Jesus being beaten. He took extra time to explain the nails being nailed into his hands and feet trying to demonstrate with his palm and index finger. It seemed to William that Josiah was really understanding the gravity of it all. Josiah stared out the window with a very grave look on his face as his daddy continued the story. Thinking he was the master at conveying deep truths to young minds, William vividly laid out the facts. Finally, he reached the triumphant conclusion anticipating what kind of reaction Josiah would have to it all. William prodded, "Isn't that an amazing story, Son?" "Yeah, Dad," he responded very seriously while pointing his index finger into the palm of his other hand, "Mommy cuts my nails, too!"

Another Josiah moment happened this evening while we were at our mid-week prayer meeting. While I was playing the piano during the singing, William and Josiah were on the front row, singing away. Well, sometime during the singing, Josiah decided that he was going to lay down across two seats in the front row. William leaned over and instructed Josiah to sit up. Little man's response, "Daddy, I'm a dog." He obeyed though and sat up, but a minute later, he was in the same position. William once again instructed Josiah to sit up and again the response was that he was a dog. Well, this time, he sat up indeed, but was on all fours in his chair and started panting like a dog and then he barked. William was certainly not impressed with the back talking, or shall I say back barking, but he couldn't help but let a smile slip at the comment of our little canine =).

And little missy is as cute as a button and quite exhausted this past week since her Mom and Dad have been going here and going there and not letting her get her beauty rest. But she still seems to be getting more and more beautiful, regardless of how little sleep she gets. =) She loves this walking business though and wants to walk here and there and everywhere. It is hard to believe that our baby girl is one now and a toddling toddler.

And her big brother is just a month and a half away from being three!! That is hard to believe! And what a big boy he is. He knows it too. William treated us to McDonalds this evening after our prayer meeting and what a treat it was! William ordered Josiah a hamburger and I told Josiah that I would feed him his hamburger as he races back and forth from the play place to the table. Since he plays his heart out in the play place, undoubtedly his hands are everywhere in the little area. And although we have seen the employees of McDonalds mop up the play place area, we have also seen one too many little Chinese kiddos in their split pants relieve themselves anywhere in the little play area. So, the idea of Josiah touching his food after having had his hands on the floor and slide just does not settle my stomach so well. And instead of having him wash his hands each time before he handles his hamburger, I was just going to feed it to him so he could take a bite and run off and play some more. Well, the little man quite maturely told me this evening, "Mommy, I am a big boy now." Out of the mouth of babes...

Looking forward to catching you all up more real soon, until then, please keep praying for little Josiah and little Amelia =).


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