Sunday, September 10, 2006

Without our Daddy...

Tis the little ones and me, without our beloved daddy for a few days and so far, so good. William and Bro. Nasett have traveled to Jilin, a city in northern China, to see the work that Bro. Kalapp from First Baptist Hammond started. Since William doesn't have classes on Mondays and Tuesdays, they headed out on the overnight train Sunday evening and will return Wednesday morning and William will head straight to his school to teach for the day and then we will get to see Daddy!!! In the mean time, I begin my first day of language school tomorrow, Tuesday, and I am nervous. Many of our friends have encouragingly =) told me that they cried after their first day of school because they were quite overwhelmed. So, let's see how many tears I shall shed, and I will not even have my husband to run home to to cry upon...but He will count every tear =).

We had a great Sunday yesterday. A while ago, William asked one of the members to write down the mistakes William makes concerning Chinese pronunciation, grammar and the such while teaching His Word and afterwards, both William and this member sit down and go through the mistakes and he offers William some suggestions for better pronunciation or teaches him some more about grammar. Well, after the meeting yesterday, the fellow servant came up to William and told him, "Congratulations! You didn't make any mistakes!!" Our Father is blessing!

Yesterday morning, as we were getting ready for Sunday, we had some wonderful music playing from Old Christian Radio.com and there was a violin playing. Josiah pointed out that he could hear the violin and so I asked him if he wanted to learn how to play the violin or the horn (his name for the trumpet). He cheerfully responded, "The guitar." Perhaps all three =).

We are off to go have dinner at friend's house, so I must close for now. But I shall look forward to tomorrow when I get to share a little bit more of us with you =).

PS-The picture is of our little miss, the carpenter with her measuring tape, getting ready for a diaper change.


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